Kapooka Public School

Respect Resilience Responsibility

Telephone02 6931 2703


Special Religious Education

The  Special Religious Education (SRE) Curriculum Approved Provider at Kapooka Public School is CRC Churches International NSW and is offered through the Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church. Students not attending scripture are provided with meaningful activities and attend another class during this time.

Information about the authorised SRE curriculum is available from the following URL:




Kapooka Public School SRE is delivered on Tuesdays at from 1:15pm - 1:45pm.

On enrolment parents/carers are given the SRE option via the online enrolment application.  After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE should be given to Kapooka Public School, in writing. Students will continue the same arrangement as the previous year, unless a parent/carer has requested a change in writing.

Non- denominational SRE is offered at Kapooka Public School and is provided by Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church. More information about non- denominational SRE, including the authorised curriculum scope and sequence, please visit the resources section of the Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church website https://www.waggaevchurch.org.au/

During the time that SRE classes are being held, students not attending will be located in a separate space and will participate in meaningful activities such as reading.